This week I received the news I've been waiting for since Christmas - that shielding is relaxing again and I can finally go back to work! As a nurse I've had a real mix of emotions throughout the last year, predominantly spent at home, but the overriding feeling has been guilt. Guilt that my husband has had to work full time then spend hours queuing to buy our family's food each week. Guilty I haven't been able to support colleagues and patients. Guilt that while so many healthcare staff have had to sacrifice so much, I've been safely tucked up at home. A few months ago my local paper featured me in an article about nurses' pay. If you've seen my social media or read my letters to Boris you'll know it's something I feel very strongly about. I was surprised by how hateful some of the article's comments were towards nurses, stating that we are 'greedy', 'lazy' and that we 'do a pauper's job' so should 'know our plac...